Future Simple in English: Full Guide and Exercises
Table of Contents Introduction What is the Future Simple Tense? When to Use the Future Simple Tense How to Form the Future Simple Tense Affirmative Sentences Negative Sentences Questions Examples of the Future Simple Tense ‘Will’ vs ‘Going to’ Common Mistakes with Future Simple Tense Future Simple Tense Exercises Answers Conclusion Introduction Welcome to The […]
How to Write an Essay for FCE B2 First
In part 1 of the Cambridge English B2 First (FCE) Writing paper we have to write an essay, it’s compulsory. So in order to get top marks, it’s essential to be able to write a good one.
50 Body Idioms with Exercises
Common Body Idioms and Their Meanings Below is a list of common body idioms, their meanings, and examples of how to use them in sentences. 1. Cost an Arm and a Leg Meaning: Very expensive. Example: That designer handbag costs an arm and a leg. 2. Break a Leg Meaning: Good luck. Example: You’ve got […]

50 Money Idioms & Practice Exercises
In this guide, we’ll explore common money idioms used in British English. We’ll explain their meanings, provide examples, and offer exercises to help you practise. Common Money Idioms and Their Meanings Below is a list of common money idioms, their meanings, and examples of how to use them in sentences. 1. Cost an Arm and […]

75 Animal Idioms: Meanings, Examples & Exercises
75 Common Animal Idioms and Their Meanings Below is a comprehensive list of 75 animal idioms, their meanings, and examples of how to use them in sentences. 1. Barking Up the Wrong Tree Meaning: Pursuing a mistaken or misguided line of thought. Example: If you think I broke the vase, you’re barking up the wrong […]

75 Food Idioms in English & Practice Exercises
Have you ever felt like English food idioms are the hardest nut to crack? Or perhaps you’ve been left with egg on your face after misusing a phrase in conversation? Don’t worry—you’re not alone! Learning idioms can sometimes feel like a hot potato, but we’re here to make it a piece of cake for you… […]
Articles in English: Learn and Practice
Articles are small words, but they play a big role in English grammar. They can change the meaning of a sentence and are essential for clear communication. This guide will help you understand how to use articles correctly and confidently. By the end of this guide, you’ll know when to use ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’, or […]
Future Perfect Continuous: Learn & Practice
The future perfect continuous tense allows you to talk about actions that will continue up until a specific point in the future. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to use this tense in your conversations and writing with ease. What is the Future Perfect Continuous Tense? The future perfect continuous tense describes […]
Future Continuous in English | Learn and Practice
The Future Continuous tense allows you to talk about actions that will be in progress at a specific time in the future. This guide will explain everything you need to know, using simple language and plenty of examples to help you understand. We’ll also provide exercises to help you practise. Let’s begin! What is the […]
Quantifiers: Full Grammar Guide and Exercises
Quantifiers are words that help us express quantity—how much or how many of something there is. They allow us to be more precise in our communication. In this guide, we’ll explore what quantifiers are, how to use them correctly, and provide plenty of examples and exercises to help you practise. Let’s get started! What Are […]