Table of Contents
- Introduction
- What Are Personal Pronouns?
- List of Personal Pronouns
- Using Personal Pronouns Correctly
- Subject and Object Pronouns
- Common Mistakes with Personal Pronouns
- Personal Pronouns Exercises
- Answers
- Conclusion
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on personal pronouns in English! Personal pronouns are words that replace nouns and refer to people or things. They help us avoid repetition and make our speech and writing more fluid. Mastering personal pronouns is essential for effective communication in English.
This guide is designed specifically for ESL students. We’ll explain what personal pronouns are, provide a list of them, discuss how to use them correctly, and differentiate between subject and object pronouns. We’ll also highlight common mistakes and offer exercises to help you practice. By the end of this guide, you’ll feel confident using personal pronouns in your everyday English conversations and writing.
What Are Personal Pronouns?
Personal pronouns are words that replace specific nouns, usually referring to people or things. They are used to avoid repetition and to streamline sentences. Personal pronouns change form depending on their function in a sentence (subject or object), number (singular or plural), and gender (masculine, feminine, or neuter).
- She is a doctor.
- I saw them at the store.
- We are going to the park.
List of Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns can be divided into two main categories: subject pronouns and object pronouns.
Subject Pronouns
- I — first person singular
- You — second person singular and plural
- He — third person singular masculine
- She — third person singular feminine
- It — third person singular neuter
- We — first person plural
- They — third person plural
Object Pronouns
- Me — first person singular
- You — second person singular and plural
- Him — third person singular masculine
- Her — third person singular feminine
- It — third person singular neuter
- Us — first person plural
- Them — third person plural
Using Personal Pronouns Correctly
Personal pronouns replace nouns to avoid repetition and simplify sentences. They must agree with the nouns they replace in number, gender, and case (subject or object).
- Lisa is a teacher. She teaches math.
- I saw Mike and Anna at the mall. They were shopping.
- Could you help my brother and me? Us need assistance.
Note: In the last example, “us” should actually be “we” in standard English. The correct sentence is: “Could you help my brother and me? We need assistance.”
Subject and Object Pronouns
Subject Pronouns
Subject pronouns are used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence — the person or thing performing the action.
- I like to read.
- He plays soccer.
- They are coming over.
Object Pronouns
Object pronouns are used when the pronoun is the object of the sentence — the person or thing receiving the action.
- She called me.
- The teacher helped him.
- We saw them at the concert.
Common Mistakes with Personal Pronouns
1. Mixing Up Subject and Object Pronouns
❌ Her is going to the store.
✅ She is going to the store.
Tip: Use subject pronouns when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence.
2. Using “Me” Instead of “I” in Compound Subjects
❌ Me and John are friends.
✅ John and I are friends.
Tip: In compound subjects, use “I” and mention yourself after the other person.
3. Using “I” Instead of “Me” After Prepositions
❌ The gift is for John and I.
✅ The gift is for John and me.
Tip: Use object pronouns after prepositions like “for,” “to,” “with,” etc.
4. Confusing “They” and “Them”
❌ Us saw they at the park.
✅ We saw them at the park.
Tip: Use “they” as a subject and “them” as an object.
5. Overusing “It” for People
❌ When my sister arrives, tell it to wait.
✅ When my sister arrives, tell her to wait.
Tip: Use “he,” “she,” “him,” or “her” for people, not “it.”
Personal Pronouns Exercises
Now it’s time to practice! Complete the following exercises to test your understanding of personal pronouns.
Exercise 1: Choose the Correct Personal Pronoun
Select the correct personal pronoun to complete each sentence.
- ______ am learning English. (Me/I)
- Can you help ______? (I/me)
- ______ are going to the movies tonight. (We/Us)
- The teacher gave ______ homework. (we/us)
- Sarah and ______ are friends. (me/I)
Exercise 2: Replace the Underlined Words with a Personal Pronoun
Rewrite each sentence by replacing the underlined words with a personal pronoun.
- My parents are traveling to Spain.
- I saw Tom and Lisa at the store.
- The cat is sleeping on the sofa.
- Could you tell the students and me the answer?
- The book is on the table.
Exercise 3: Correct the Mistakes
Identify and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
- Her is a great singer.
- Me went to the park yesterday.
- Can you give I the pen?
- They invited my wife and I to dinner.
- Us are planning a trip.
Exercise 4: Subject or Object Pronoun?
Decide whether to use a subject pronoun or an object pronoun to complete each sentence.
- ______ loves to read books. (She/Her)
- The teacher called ______ to the board. (he/him)
- ______ are excited about the concert. (They/Them)
- Please join ______ for lunch. (we/us)
- ______ is my best friend. (He/Him)
Exercise 5: Write Sentences
Use the given personal pronouns to write sentences.
- I
- They
- Her
- We
- Them
Exercise 1
- I am learning English.
- Can you help me?
- We are going to the movies tonight.
- The teacher gave us homework.
- Sarah and I are friends.
Exercise 2
- They are traveling to Spain.
- I saw them at the store.
- It is sleeping on the sofa.
- Could you tell us the answer?
- It is on the table.
Exercise 3
- She is a great singer.
- I went to the park yesterday.
- Can you give me the pen?
- They invited my wife and me to dinner.
- We are planning a trip.
Exercise 4
- She loves to read books.
- The teacher called him to the board.
- They are excited about the concert.
- Please join us for lunch.
- He is my best friend.
Exercise 5
Your sentences may vary. Here are some examples:
- I enjoy painting in my free time.
- They are coming to visit us next week.
- He gave the gift to her.
- We are planning a surprise party.
- I saw them at the museum yesterday.
Understanding and using personal pronouns correctly is essential for clear and effective communication in English. By familiarizing yourself with personal pronouns and practicing their usage, you’ll enhance your language skills significantly.
If you have any questions, thoughts, or would like to share your own sentences using personal pronouns, please leave a comment below. Happy learning!